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Daft Punk do Wee Waa

Daft Punk album launch party at Wee Waa Show It was a bizarre idea; the global album launch party for one of the most anticipated albums in recent memory at the Wee Waa Show, a small rural town 7 hours drive from Sydney.

As soon as I heard of it I was keen to shoot it, and thankfully got the gig from my Splendour Studio pals at Sound Alliance, shooting for JunkeeIn The Mix and Faster Louder.

Some youngsters losing themselves to dance

For those pronouncing it wrong - Wee Waa rhymes with Bonjour

The album leaked a couple of days prior to the event, and Daft Punk were always denied to be in attendance, so the whole thing was more about a strange shared experience of a big dance party in a small town with a funny name.

In lieu of the real Daft Punk there were plenty of fans in character.

Daft Punk album launch party at Wee Waa Show

Daft Punk album launch party at Wee Waa Show

Daft Punk album launch party at Wee Waa Show

Before the party kicked off there was also the usual Wee Waa show festivities, like the Pet Competition, Dog Jump and agricultural prizes.

Randy the dog, winner of the Biggest Pet prize at Wee Waa show with Bill, aged 2

Josie with her pet turtle Crinkles, winner of the Smallest Pet at Wee Waa show

Jack with his pet chicken named Gorgeous

First prize for "Animal or figure made from fruit or vegetable"

Daniel Boud