MOFO 2014
First things first, let me explain what MOFO means; it's the Museum of Old and New Art's Festival of Music and Art. AKA MONA FOMA AKA MOFO.
Curated by Brian Ritchie (ex Violet Femmes), it's a genre stretching mix of music, art, food and booze primarily situated on the waterfront of Hobart, Tasmania.
I've been hearing people rave about MONA since it opened in 2011, and heard similarly positive reports from MOFO and it's winter festival DARK MOFO. The hype felt hard to live up to, but consider me a convert to the church of MONA.
Most of the MOFO acts on the bill were new to me, but like most of the best festivals, the joy is in discovering new bands to love (or hate), it's the location, the people you're with, the surprises, the weather, the food, etc...
What follows is a number of my pictures of MOFO and MONA, i'll save some other Tassie photos for a follow up post.
Faux Mo
Most wild tales that emanate from MOFO are from Faux Mo, the club night/after party that starts at 10pm and runs till the early hours.
A visit wouldn't be complete without a trip to MONA. We went 3 times.
And that's it for my MOFO experience. Thanks so much to Bec and MOFO who hosted Cybele and I.